A bouquet flowers chosen and picked by our Professionals Florists as per your occasion
BD 22.000
Five Roses with Babys Breath (RED or PINK or WHITE)
BD 6.000
Bouquet of Red Roses with White Gypsophila together with 5 baloons
BD 25.000
Mixed of Pink Oriental Lily and 12 pc of Red Roses with green fillers
BD 18.000
Five Red Roses Bouquet with Baby's Breath.
Pink and Red Roses with Lilies Bouquet
BD 24.000
Mixed of Fresh Roses (Red and Pink Roses)
BD 17.000
10 pcs of white roses with gypsu flower bouquet.
BD 10.000
Mixed of Pink and Red Roses 20pcs Bouquet
A beautiful Glass Arrangements of White Roses, yellow roses, spray roses and white lilies.
BD 28.000
A mixed of white and blue flowers (chrysanthemum, spray roses and some babys breath) beautifully arranged in round Box
BD 13.000
Mixed of white Lily, roses, and green foliage for all occasions.
BD 26.000
Bouquet of Mixed White and Pink Oriental Lily
Yellow Spray/ baby roses in Glass bowl
BD 15.000
Oasis Foam Arrangement of pretty pink roses with a bit of white flowers.
BD 4.500
10 pcs of Pink Roses with Baby's breath
Glass Arrangement- White Lily, Spray/baby roses, Blue flowers (chrysanthemum or hydrangea) beautifully arranged.
2 Dozens of Roses Beautifully arrange in a Glass/vase
A vase full or pink spray baby roses and 6 pink roses with green foliages
BD 16.000
Red and White Flowers
BD 30.000
5 red roses with white flowers simply arranged in foam.
BD 19.000